Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

About jingling

This time I'm going to continue my post about traffic exchange, namely Jingling. In previous posts I've said little about jingling, you can read About hitleap and jingling and this is a continuation of the post with the title above. The main problem of this software is located on the language (Chinese). As a side note, if you use Avast anti-virus, it will be detected as a virus. Well, consider the following explanation.

Description of function


1. URL Id

2. Web Addresses

3. Visitors

4. Status :. (Green) work, (red) there is a problem

5. Option :. (Left) pause / restart (right) delete link

6. Option: (left) browsing time (right) from the traffic (see below)

7. Optimization (see below)

8. Add a new web address

9. Add the existing url id (optional)

Browsing time

1. Time: 0 to 23 hours

2. Flow rate: 0% to 100%

3. Option: [Save] [re] [default] [undo]

Traffic origin

 1. Option: [a] Chinese traffic, [b] The whole world (???), [c] The whole world (???), [d] west, [e] Custom

2. Option: [Save] [reset] [default] [cancel] note: I need help to verify the source of the traffic <a> and <b> top

Optimization Settings
1. Independent IP / visit: 1 to 3

2. Automatic access: Determined by IP: PV

3. Refresh: Reload current page only

4. Re-access: Visit the subpage, and open the home page

5. Matching: Pages with "matching the string"

6. Pop-Up: Enables or disables (if you have a popup code on your site)

7. Purpose: Enables or disables (if you want to drive traffic after the page)

8. Destination List

9. The purpose of selection: [add], [remove]

10. Referer URL: Enables or disables ("from" traffic)

11. Referer List

12. Option Referer: [add], [edit], [remove]

13. Option: [save], [cancel]

A little confusing, right? But do not be quick to give up.

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